The Utah Valley Model A Club serves as a medium for an exchange of ideas, information, and parts for admirers of Model A Ford cars and trucks and to aid them in their efforts to restore and preserve these vehicles in their original likeness.
Each month the club holds a meeting as well as an activity. These activities consist of a variety of luncheons, driving tours, historic tours as well as multi-day tours. The Utah Valley Model A Club is one of three Model A clubs in Northern Utah. On occasion we will participate in activities with the Salty A’s of Salt Lake City and the Beehive A’s of Ogden.
Our members vary in different levels of interest and skill, so no matter if you have been around Model As your whole life or are just getting into them, please consider joining us. Ownership of a Model A is also not required for joining; only a shared interest is necessary. Our yearly club dues are $25. You can download a membership application here.
Although membership to the Model A Ford Club of America (MAFCA) is not a requirement to join our club, it is highly encouraged.
Our meetings are typically held on the third Thursday of the month from 7:00-9:00pm. We meet at the Clyde Companies office building at 730 N 1500 W in Orem. Park in the north parking lot and enter through the north side door.
At each meeting we discuss club business, upcoming and past activities, have a technical seminar, as well as open up the floor for general support and how-to questions. We usually follow up the meeting with refreshments provided by club members. We encourage members to drive their cars as much as possible and enjoy having members bring their cars to the meetings.
Board meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7:00pm. Locations vary between each board members homes. Everyone is invited to attend whether you are on the board or not.
We like to hold an activity each month and try to provide a variety of events as we realize that everyone has different interests and desires. During the colder months we focus more on indoor activities, and in the warmer months try and get as much driving in as we can. In December our club activity is the year end Christmas party.
Below are some of the activities we enjoy participating in.
Local Day Trips
Half-Day Trips
Multi-Day Trips
Car Shows
History Tours
Progressive Luncheon
Manifold Cook-off
Industry Tours
Era Fashions
Garage Days
The activities chairperson oversees the activities throughout the year, but we highly encourage members to help host these events. If you have an idea for an activity and/or would like to volunteer to help head up an activity, please let us know as we would love your help!
We have a great award winning newsletter! This may be a biased opinion, but take a look for yourself and see if you agree. Our monthly newsletter goes out digitally to members and are also available right here on our site. In each of these publications you will find a variety of technical articles, fashion articles, club minutes, and upcoming activities etc.
We are always looking for new content and encourage members to submit articles and photos. Below are just a few items we are looking for to put in the newsletter.
- Member biographies - These help us get to know each other better.
- Fun stories - Do you have a fun story involving a Model A from your younger days? Please feel free to share it with us!
- Out and About - What fun things are happening with you, your Model A and your family?
- Technical articles - If you are working on your Model A, please submit an article about what you are doing.
- Fashion articles - If you are interested in era fashion, or found an interesting article, let us know!
- Photos - Have a cool era photo, or photos from our activities? Please share them with us!
- Advertising - We have a free classifieds section for members and also allow for paid advertising from vendors and sponsors.
Please submit content at least one week before the of end of month.
This award is a year-long effort. A member must drive their car once a month for 12 consecutive months in addition to one club activity. You can earn this award even if you don’t have a car of your own, but ride in someone else’s car. This award can be earned yearly.

To earn this award you must work on your car and report about it at a club meeting and write an article for the newsletter. Someone can give you advice, or step you through the repair, but you must do the work yourself. You can earn this award as many times as you wish.

There are several Mileage Awards. This is awarded to the car, not the club member. The awards are given when the car is driven 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,500, 5,000 and 10,000 miles. There are club members who have reached the 10,000-mile mark, so an additional award may be necessary.

In the case of an incident caused by the member due to oversight, neglect or other negative factors may win this award. It is a traveling award that must be prominently displayed in your home until another unfortunate member carries out a similar fiasco.

This is literally a towel given to the member who has a very sad story to tell that was the result of someone else and was no fault of the member. An incident or accident, not caused by you, that may potentially have caused damage or harm.
We are currently working on finding new vendors and apparel options, more details and pictures will follow.
Hats, shirts, jackets etc.
Show off your membership and promote the club with some of the items below.
Splash apron magnets $25 per pair
License plate toppers $10
Patches $5
Stickers $3
Pictures and more details to come.
To help make everyone's touring experience be most enjoyable, please review our Touring Guidelines.
We have a collection of books, magazines and videos in our club library. Once our list is compiled, we will post it here so you can request to borrow one of these resources.
Our club does not own any tools, but as a collective group, our members have a vast assortment of tools. If you have a tool specific to the Model A, or one that might be beneficial to others who are working on the Model A, please let us know. If you are willing to let others borrow these tools, we will add it to the list.
Download a copy of the club bylaws here.