Category Activities

Eye Tracking Experience


On a cold March morning, too cold and icy to drive our Model As, about 15 or 20 curious club members came to BYU to be Doctor Grant Eckstein’s lab rats. He was interested in our eyes. That is, our eye movements as we studied 12 sets of Model A parts and cars. You may think it was easy, but the general consensus was that the questions and pictures were too hard. Can you imagine that? Model A owners complaining about something? The suggestion was made that fine point judges should be subjected to the experiment.

OK, I confess, I had to consult the Restoration Guidelines and Judging Standards book to verify that the pictures, questions, and answers I chose conformed to the current body of Model A knowledge...

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Duckpin Bowling at Doc Brundy’s


I was excited for our February activity and upon approaching Doc Brundy’s, it was nice to see two Model A’s were parked in front, Howard’s Coupe and Rogers Mail Truck. Just like the involuntary breathing that I don’t have to think about, an involuntary smile came across my face. Somehow, no matter how many times I see the Model A’s, even when they are the same ones I’ve seen over and over again, a smile still can be found on my face. Greeted by familiar faces, we entered Doc Brundy’s. I’ve noticed that the menu has now changed a 3rd time. Now you can have a burger, a burger with cheese, a burger with bacon, or a burger with bacon on bacon...

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The Lava Hot Springs and Oregon Trail Tour

ActivitiesHistory Tours

Mark your calendars now for the Lava Hot Springs and Oregon Trail Tour in southeast Idaho on June 23, 24 and 25, 2022.

Our hotel is the Cobblestone Inn & Suites in Soda Springs, Idaho. Mention the Model A Club to receive the discounted rate of $121.49 per night. This includes a full breakfast and plenty of parking for those who bring trailers. We looked over this nationally-branded hotel and it is very nice, being only 4 years old. We blocked 8 rooms, so it is important that you let Howard Eckstein know you have reserved a room since they are currently attached to his credit card. His email is: Those who wait until after the 8 rooms are filled can still get the discounted rate by mentioning the Model A Club...

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